Condos For Sale
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The Lokelani Condos are located 3833 L Honoapiilani Rd, Lahaina Maui Hawaii 96793. The grounds consist of 1.35 acres. The TMK is 2-4-3-006-016. The concrete structure was built in 1971 with 36 1-2 bed 1-1.5 bath units ranging in 566 - 1129 square footage on 3 floors in 3 buildings. This is fee simple property. Both long term and short term rentals are allowed. Amenities include recreation areas, barbeque area, pool, cable and beach access. Pets are not allowed.
Looking for a Maui Realtor to List your Maui Condo For Sale at Lokelani? Call Eric West Maui listing agent to get on this website for first page search results on Google & Youtube. Exposure to thousands of buyers on day one.
Lokelani Condo For Sale
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Do you have questions about Lokelani or other properties in West Maui? Contact me directly - I have nearly a decade of experience buying and selling properties in the West Maui market and would be happy to be of assistance. Call or Text 808-298-2030 or hawaiisbest1@gmail.com Aloha!
Recent Sold Units at Lokelani
"Choose a job you Love"
A philosopher once said "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." That exact thought hit me when I first met Eric West. The love of the outdoors and the passion Eric has for this beloved state was all I needed to convince me that he was the man to sell my property. As we toured my property, I could tell the feeling he had towards the property was the exact same feeling I had when I first saw the property. Eric also came to me with references, from a close friend of mine, who Eric represented in the sale of his property as well. To date, Eric has been responsive to all my thoughts and ideas and our relationship is one that I would consider to be of a friend as well as a person who I can rely on to represent my property in the utmost professional manner. I would highly recommend him to anyone who would want to list or buy a property” Raymond & Tammy McElhaney Broadmoor, Colorado