Home Buyer's "Excellence" in Service Award
Search Homes Right Now: We offer the most comprehensive and powerful search tools in all of Hawaii. Why? HawaiiRealEstate.org is a free, public service website. It is one of the few sites that offers you one stop access to all THREE of the MLS systems the operate in the Hawaiian Islands.
Register for the Home Finder This is THE most important tool for you to use. Why? The best properties always sell fast. Always. They are usually in the best locations and have the price and amenities buyers are competing for. Our search tool will notify you the absolute *second* a property hits the market. Thus giving you an edge to research and make and offer before other competing buyers.
First-Time Buyer? No problem. We will help you every step of the way! Click the link to learn more.
Buy Your Home with a LOCAL Hawaiian REALTOR: Nothing will protect you more than having an experienced buyers agent represent you and give you the insight you need to make wise decisions.
Use the Mortgage Calculator and then get pre-qualified with one of our preferred local lenders.
Connect to a Professional: Contact Eric West by email, text or phone to answer any questions. Email at hawaiisbest1@gmail.com or cell 808.298.2030
Out-of-Country Purchases: Many of our buyers come from around the world.. Germany, China, Canada, Japan to buy real estate in Hawaii. We can help with language translation and teaching you more about the unique aspects of the Hawaiian Real Estate buying process.