Puuhale Gardens Condos For Sale
The Puuhale Gardens condos are located at 835 Puuhale Rd, Oahu Honolulu 96819. The land consist of 22,979 sqft. The TMK is 1-1-2-001-049. The concrete structure was built in 1976 with 27 1-2 beds 1 bath units ranging in between 587 - 718 square footage on 3 floors in 1 building. It is a fee simple property. Owner occupancy is 66.67%. Pets are not allowed.
Are you considering listing or buying a Puuhale Gardens property for sale? Contact us - we are experts in the real estate market and would be delighted to discuss your real estate objectives. Call or Text 808-298-2030 or email hawaiisbest1@gmail.com
Puuhale Gardens Condos For Sale
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"Outstanding Experience"
Our experience with Eric West proved to be outstanding. My wife and I fully expected our remote ranch retreat to be on the market for at least two years or more. The day Eric placed the sign on the property he had also arranged a visit from a prospective client. It was this first client that bought the property and at the expected price! The use of the web provided for a very wide marketing scenario and in fact we continued to generate interest in the property from all over the country on an everyday basis even after it was sold. I highly recommend Eric for any real estate that you may wish to sell and you can be assured that he will provide all that you expect and more!” Ray and Milly Reed Evergreen, CO