Wilder-Keeaumoku Apt Condos For Sale
The Wilder-Keeaumoku Apt condos are located at 1335 Wilder Avenue, Oahu Honolulu 96822.The land consist of 16,735 sqft. The TMK is 1-2-4-021-001. The concrete structure was built in 1966 with 26 1-2beds 1-1.5baths units ranging in betweeen 467 - 748 square footage on 3 floors in 1 building. It is both leasehold and a fee simple property. Occupancy rate is 50%. Amenities includes security guard. Pets are not allowed.
Are you considering listing or buying an Wilder-Keeaumoku Apt property for sale? Contact us - we are experts in the real estate market and would be delighted to discuss your real estate objectives. Call or Text 808-298-2030 or email hawaiisbest1@gmail.com
Wilder-Keeaumoku Apt Condos For Sale
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