Manoa Estates Condos For Sale
The Manoa Estates condos are located at 3577 Pinao St, Oahu Honolulu 96822. The land consist of 24.25 acres. The TMK is 1-2-9-052-001. The concrete structure was built in 1969 with 52 3-6beds 1.5-4.5baths units ranging in between 1056 - 2,968 square footage on 2 floors in 52 buildings. It is a fee simple property. Owner occupancy rate is 92%. Amenities includes recreation area(s), tennis court and storage.Pets are allowed.
Are you considering listing or buying a Manoa Estates property for sale? Contact us - we are experts in the real estate market and would be delighted to discuss your real estate objectives. Call or Text 808-298-2030 or email
Manoa Estates Condos For Sale
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Dear Eric,
This letter is one of appreciation of your services and one that you are welcome to use as a recommendation for future clients that will consider using your professional services for real estate transactions. Our experience with you representing our interests in listing and successfully selling our home on Front Street in Lahaina was far better than we ever could have imagined and we thank you.
From the time we first engaged your services, you were proactive and assisted in gathering information on the potential value of our home. Rather than making claims to be able to sell the home for more than its value to entice us to list with you firm, you consulted with us, and together we chose a strategy that maximized the final sales price.
You then provided superior service in making sure our home was ready for sale, and in marketing the property through many media streams and open house tours. Though tenants in the ohanas presented challenges to showing the property, you worked with them effectively.
You never retreated from making every effort to show us how to make the property more appealing. We especially appreciated the internet virtual showing of our home. How impressive to have it begin at looking down on the earth and eventually flying down to see islands, then Maui, Lahaina and the exterior of the home before starting the tour itself. All photos, not just one or two, were taken with an artist’s eye to show the appeal of the house as a home. You faithfully followed up with each person that made and inquiry and never failed to make an impressive showing.
Lastly, you provided sage counsel during negotiations. We appreciate your pre-qualification of buyers and understanding their motivations. You never pushed us on direction or another, and though we had legitimate offers, you didn’t pressure us to accept or reject offers which allowed us to always feel comfortable and in control.
Once the home was in escrow and the buyer’s timing for closing changed when we were off island, you went beyond what any other realtor I know of would do, and arranged all of the last minute details, from taking care of our furniture and car to managing the final cleaning required by the sales contract.
For all of this and much more, becoming a friend and allowing us to meet and get to know your family better, we thank you. We also thank you for your kindness during what could have been a much more stressful time for us and, finally, and not least of all, for your honesty and integrity and attention to every detail of the sale.
Lee and Earlene Johnson
PS – Please do not hesitate to have anyone with questions to call us.