Understanding the difference between leasehold property in Hawaii and fee simple meaning is actually very simple! (Scroll Down to See Video) With leasehold you DO NOT own the land the home or condo sits on. With fee simple you do! A leasehold property will have an additional monthly lease fee that you have to pay to the land owner. (This fee typically goes up over time.) The lease is renegotiated every 10 years (typically) Leasehold properties are also very difficult to finance and are usually all cash deals. Leaseholds are also much less expensive than fee simple properties because of this extra cost and the risk associated with not owning the land. The good news is the many leasehold properties are converting to fee simple. Which simply means that the…

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We all have a story. Mine just happened to begin at The Kuleana Resort in West Maui. This was the first place that I really called home in Hawaii and it's quite frankly where I fell in love with the Island of Maui. I decided to make my home in Hawaii and move my wife and 4 boys over from Colorado. Since then we've had a ball selling real estate all over Maui, but really focused on West Maui homes and condos. I've had clients purchase condos on the West side and some I have even managed for short term rental. The Kuleana has always held a special place in my heart. It's almost like a first kiss that you never forget. The memories I made at this resort will not only be cherished but also represent the greatest risk and reward that I ever…

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