Hawaii Farm and Ranch For Sale

It's rare when one of Hawaii's Largest Landowners decides to sell off! Most large land holdings in Hawaii are considered more than a precious heir loom and are passed on generation to generation. That's why if you DO see a large parcel come on the market, it is truly a golden opportunity to own a large chunk of paradise. But get ready. The price per acre can be astoundingly high. And many times without any income producing aspect at all! My favorite offerings include virgin koa forests, anything with ocean access and of course cattle country is the most appealing. Why? I guess it's the Paniolo heritage of the Aloha Cowboy and the unique setting of greener than green pastures, horses, cowboys and the dramatic Pacific Ocean…

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Waimea Real Estate - Big Island of Hawaii

The story behind Waimea can be a little confusing. The name officially refers to the upland community on the Big Island of Hawaii. But there are also other communities on other Hawaiian islands that share the name. As if matters aren't confusing enough, the region is also known as Kamuela, if only by the post office so that they can distinguish this town from the other islands that have a Waimea. Despite all the confusion, the name has long been claimed by this amazing region of Waimea real estate that's surrounded by hills and trees so green it brings tears to the eye.

Waimea's has a diverse and strong populace. There are farmers and educators, ranchers and astronomers, clergy and health professionals,…

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Hawaii Condominium Foreclosures, Bank Owned and Short Sales....

Still Going Strong?

Many people just assume that with the real estate market back in "full swing" that the foreclosure market in Hawaii is a thing of the past. Or maybe they think the deals are not as good, or the properties for sale are of poor quality. 

Not true.

The Best Deals on Condos in Hawaii, can still be found - new ones, everyday.

People still get into trouble. Most times those mortgage payments on that condo back in Hawaii are the first to stop getting paid.

If you are considering purchasing a condo in Hawaii - whether it be on Maui, Oahu, Big Island or Maui... why NOT check out all of the foreclosures, bank owned, and short sales first? (and monitor them weekly)

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Julia Roberts Kauai Home For Sale

Wake up in the morning, say hi to Mark Zuckerberg and Chuck Norris (your new neighbors!), catch a few waves in Hanalei Bay, and take in the views of multiple waterfalls! This could be your new reality when you purchase Julia Roberts Kauai ocean front estate (Previously known as the Feye Estate.) Julia purchased it for a reported $13.4M in 2011. If you've never been to Hanalei on the north shore of Kauai Hawaii, then your missing out on the probably the most picturesque setting in all of Hawaii. It literally will take you breath away. Not to mention the surfing in Hanalei Bay is totally epic and still relatively undiscovered. The bay itself is enormous and has many, many different breaks. Everything from body board…

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Hawaii Real Estate for Sale 
Every Home over $10 Million

Never before have more high-end luxury homes and condos been on the market in Hawaii than in the 2015 $10M - $30M listing surge. All time record setting transactions are very likely to happen in the next 12-24 months with these mega mansions as the world's billionaire elite and who's who decide which slice of paradise is right for them. Neil Young's $24M Hawaii Estate on the Big Island is just one example. 

Bookmark this dynamic blog post which will immediately auto-update all new listings over $10M as they hit the market all over the State of Hawaii! Here is one of the few places on the web where you can access all of these luxury Hawaii Properties in one place from every island in Hawaii -…

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The short answer?

"It" never gets old. 

Some people have asked me over the years..."Do you ever get island fever?" 

My response is always the same.."No, I actually get mainland fever!"

PS - I also have a YouTube channel with many informative videos about Hawaii, Maui and Real Estate. Check it Out Here https://www.youtube.com/user/hawaiirealestateorg

It really IS the raw beauty of Hawaii that makes it a such a special place to call home. And everything that you can DO with all the beauty in the background, foreground, and under your feet.

No, it's really true. You don't just 'get over it' after a few months (or years) and just go "oh yeah, that's just a perfect white sandy beach with crystal clear breaking waves and a 10,000 sheer foot…

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